A new lens to look through. Hear the pain in people's speaking. People who have an ear to hear can hear. You will no longer tolerate what you used to tolerate. A second point of reality. Declare a new future. There are no right answers. There is no is. Give people breakdowns. It's the loving thing to do. What's being revealed here? Dogs don't have things wrong. Wrong disempowers people. Upsets indicate a ''right'' that's been violated. Notice when you are angry that you are the only one around. The only constant thing is you. Business is made up. It's invented. We invent our world through language. If it really turns you on, you may want to inform your face. There is no ''right'' way. A chair is only a chair because we say it's a chair.
Mal Pancoast – [Listening]

It takes only one other person to say it's so-one other point of reality to make something real.
Mal Pancoast – [Reality]

My wife isn't married to me forever; she's married to me for good. That keeps me on my toes.
Mal Pancoast – [Marriage]

Set up the listening. Prepare who you are talking to for what you want them to hear. Get people to listen as a possibility rather than a problem.
Mal Pancoast – [Listening]

Skills are cheap; chemistry is expensive.
Mal Pancoast – [Skill]

Telling someone the truth is a loving act.
Mal Pancoast – [Truth]

The odds of hitting your target go up dramatically when you aim at it.
Mal Pancoast – [Action]

The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.
Mal Pancoast – [Truth]

There's nobody ''out there.'' It's all in here.
Mal Pancoast – [Mind]

Thinking is heavily endorsed.
Mal Pancoast – [Thoughts and Thinking]

We invent the world through language. The world occurs through language.
Mal Pancoast – [Language]

You get paid to impact the world, not be impacted by it.
Mal Pancoast – [Compensation]

You get whatever accomplishment you are willing to declare.
Mal Pancoast – [Achievement]